This first issue of the Journal of Design and Science is dedicated to Marvin Minsky, not just to honor him, but to acknowledge our debt to him. He reframed the way we approach science and design. Marvin had a way of connecting with everyone, whether a child or an Institute Professor, a rock star, or a cook, in way that made us all feel smarter. To those of us who were lucky enough to be his students or colleagues (he made little distinction between the two) Marvin was like Jedi Master Yoda, an impish sage with an inner sense of truth. He challenged our foolish ideas without making us feel like fools. He pushed us across disciplinary boundaries, out of the comfort zones of academic study, into the realm of new ideas. Marvin had both an extraordinary imagination and an extraordinary intellectual generosity. He invited those around him to see the world in an unconventional way. Marvin delighted us, inspired us, and stretched us. He taught us to think.