*Note: these guidelines do not apply to essay and idea proposals.
General Formatting
A new section is indicated by two line breaks and a section title formatted as a heading.
If including an abstract, please add it to the beginning of the publication in italics and insert a horizontal line between the abstract and the beginning of your text.
While most JoDS articles are between 3,000 and 5,000 words, the journal is open to accepting publications of various lengths, formats, and styles.
A single full-page image should be at least 18.5 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) and must be at 300 dpi minimum.
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To use citations, please include a source’s bibtex, DOI, wikidata, wikidata url, or bibjson.
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Authors can include a brief (50-200 word) bionote at the end of a publication that highlights information relevant to the publication’s subject.
Please see example publication for more information on the following guidelines.